ADAPTIL® – pet dog appeasing pheromones to minimize a dog’s stress and anxiety

Today I’m going to tell you about a product called ADAPTIL® for dogs created to minimize a dog’s stress and anxiety utilizing pet dog appeasing pheromones.

The product can help a pet dog feel comfortable in stressful situations. I’ll likewise tell you about a associated product for cats that our vet suggested for my feline Scout.

I’m lucky my two dogs Ace as well as Remy are not anxious or terrified of thunderstorms, fireworks or being left alone. however these kinds of “events” are typical reasons for a great deal of dogs to feel anxious or stressed out.

My dogs do tend to get anxious when checking out the vet or when we travel. They whine as well as pant as well as you can see the enjoyment as well as nervousness in their faces. I’m sure lots of of you can relate!

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ADAPTIL® for dogs – pheromones to decrease a dog’s anxiety

This publish is sponsored by Ceva animal Health, the maker of ADAPTIL® for dogs as well as FELIWAY® for cats.

If you are thinking about trying either of these products for your pets, we have a giveaway at the end of this post. Both products are offered without a prescription with different veterinarians’ offices as well as with PetSmart as well as Amazon.

Ceva animal health and wellness stated that ADAPTIL® mimics the natural dog-appeasing pheromone dogs understand from birth that can assist them feel risk-free as well as safe in their environment. checked out a lot more about ADAPTIL® here.

Pheromones are chemicals created as well as released into the atmosphere by animals. They work outside the body as well as can impact the habits of others of its species.

ADAPTIL® DAP pet dog appeasing pheromones

ADAPTIL® DAP – pet dog appeasing pheromones can assist a pet dog with a large range of problems such as:

separation anxiety
anxiety during thunderstorms
fear of fireworks
visiting the vet
travel anxiety
adjusting to a new house (think foster dogs, a new puppy or just recently embraced dogs)
stress around visitors in the home

ADAPTIL® is created to assist dogs feel a lot more safe as well as must minimize or stop stress-related behaviors such as licking, trembling, barking, howling, destroying residential property or having accidents.

I made a short video about ADAPTIL® for dogs here:

Ceva animal health and wellness stated ADAPTIL® is non-sedating as well as is not a drug. It is risk-free to utilize with all other treatments or conditions, as well as a prescription is not required.

ADAPTIL® is offered in a number of easy-to-use develops including:

ADAPTIL® spray – can be used to your dog’s bedding, a bandanna or a toy

ADAPTIL® collar – great for travel, walks, training classes, etc.
ADAPTIL® diffuser – finest for utilize at house for recently embraced dogs, separation stress and anxiety or concern of visitors, storms, fireworks, etc.

ADAPTIL® is offered with different veterinarians’ offices, PetSmart as well as Amazon (aff links above).

My dogs tend to get anxious in the car, so I just recently utilized the ADAPTIL® spray on bandannas that they used on a road trip. They do not have extreme anxiety, however it seemed to assist them clear up in during our 3-hour drive.

My feline Scout, on the other hand, can be a anxious wreck! The very first time I heard about ADAPTIL® as well as FELIWAY® was really with our vet. He suggested FELIWAY® for Scout.

FELIWAY® – pheromones for cats

My feline Scout is so terrified at the vet that he will hiss, bite as well as scratch when he feels threatened. It’s stressful for everybody when Scout sees the vet! So much to ensure that for a few years I just didn’t take him to the vet since it wasn’t worth the stress.

Because of Scout’s extreme fear, our vet provided us the FELIWAY® spray to assist our feline feel a lot more secure. checked out a lot more about FELIWAY® here.

FELIWAY® mimics the natural feline facial pheromone utilized by cats to mark their area as safe, according to Ceva. For this reason, it can assist cats feel a lot more safe when taking care of stressful circumstances such as:

if you (gasp!) add a new feline to your family! (See FELIWAY® MultiCat)

To assist Scout feel safer at the vet, we put the FELIWAY® spray on a towel in his feline provider before we shown up at the vet. We likewise sprayed it on a tOwel ότι βάζουμε τον μεταφορέα του.

Ο συνδυασμός του Feliway® καθώς και ένας σοβαρά ατομικός κτηνίατρος βοηθά τον Scout να αισθάνεται ασφαλής επαρκής ώστε να μην δείχνει πλέον επιθετικότητα. Είναι ειρηνικός καθώς και τεταμένος, ωστόσο δεν υπάρχει καραμέλα ή δάγκωμα. Ποτέ δεν πίστευα ότι θα ήταν δυνατό με το κομμάτι μου ψυχό!

Το Feliway® προσφέρεται στη συμμόρφωση με μορφές:

Feliway® Spray – Μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για τα κλινοσκεπάσματα της γάτας σας όπως κάναμε με το Scout ή στον πάροχο για ταξίδια
Feliway® Diffuser – για το σπίτι
Feliway® Multicat Diffuser – βοηθά να ελαχιστοποιήσει την ένταση καθώς και τη διαμάχη μεταξύ των γατών στο σπίτι ή των γατών γάτας
Feliscratch®-για την επανεξέταση του ξύσιμο στο scratching post

Το Feliway® προσφέρεται με γραφεία κτηνιάτρων, PetsMart καθώς και Amazon (Aff Links παραπάνω).

Giveaway – Win Adaptil® ή Feliway® για το κατοικίδιο ζώο σας

Ο Απρίλιος είναι πραγματικά de-stress το μήνα κατοικίδιων ζώων σας, καθώς και η CEVA Animal Health and Wellness παρέχει μακριά ένα δείγμα Adaptil® ή Feliway® σε δύο επισκέπτες αυτού του Mutt.

Για να εισέλθετε, το μόνο που έχετε να κάνετε είναι να αφήσετε ένα σχόλιο παρακάτω για να με επιτρέψετε να καταλάβω γιατί το κατοικίδιο ζώο σας μπορεί να επωφεληθεί από αυτά τα προϊόντα. Οι νικητές θα επιλέξουν αν θέλουν το σκυλί κατοικίδιων ζώων ή την έκδοση γάτας καθώς και ποιο προϊόν θα ήθελαν να δοκιμάσουν (Diffuser, Spray κ.λπ.)

Την Τρίτη 1 Μαΐου, θα επιλέξω τυχαία τους δύο νικητές. Πρέπει να έχετε μια διεύθυνση αλληλογραφίας των ΗΠΑ για να κερδίσετε. Θα ειδοποιήσω τους νικητές μέσω ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου πολύ πρώτα, καθώς και θα τους αποκαλύψουν εδώ.

Έχετε κάποιες ανησυχίες σχετικά με το Adaptil® ή το Feliway®;

Επιτρέψτε μου να καταλάβω στα σχόλια, καθώς και να μοιραστείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση εάν θα βοηθήσει ένα κατοικίδιο ζώο που γνωρίζετε. Σας ευχαριστώ!

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